Sunday, May 31, 2020

12 Step Program on Alcoholics - Free Essay Example

The alcoholic recovery is a lifelong process that requires a proper guideline from psychotherapy.   It is a 12-step meeting where group members assist themselves and others to stay sober through regular attendance of the meetings. During the recovery, different group members were imperiled to experience severe withdrawals, physical illness, relationships problems, and physical illness. However, after the journey, it reflects there is a gentle introduction primary towards healing oneself. It makes amendments towards colleagues, family, and friends by being in service to others. The outcome of the 12 step alcoholic session is bound to be a success on the recovery similar to Bill made a vital assentation from his experiments where the alcoholics had lost the power of choice in drinks. The first step during the program was to acknowledge I was powerless over alcohol. Through admitting that one’s life is unmanageable due to alcohol consumption, it creates a foundation of the recovery. One highlight that alcohol is the one in control of an individual’s life, for instance, I once failed my exams, as I was too drunk to both think and drink. Through this, I enact to manage life for the primary purpose of drinking does not qualify as managing life.   The second step is to believe that a power great than myself can restore me back to sanity. The step offered hope as it enhanced one to believe there is a solution to the alcohol addiction that can create a rational thinking. After believing there is hope, the program ensured I make a decision to turn my will over the protection of God, as we understood him. The main goal of this step is to create the trust that we addicts could be better individuals hence we wrote our character flaws, fears, and resentments. Therefore the step presented a positive aspect will emerge if we stop alcoholism making us better individuals. The fourth step later followed which was to look within for fearless moral inventories within myself. It required exploring the challenges that prevent us from progression spiritually to divine self, others, and earth. The fifth step was to admit to God, me and trusted friends the precise nature of our mistakes.   The goal of this step is to acquire integrity by recognizing our wrong doings and taking the correct step. Hence, I talked to my sponsor about the guilt secret that made me o start consuming alcohol and it made me realize it is a defect a part of being human. After discovering the shortcomings of alcoholism, step six was to remain ready to have God remove flaws of the character. The step was to ensure we are willing to change the past, which is a commitment to collaborate with a higher power on changing my behavior, attitude, and the beliefs. Moreover, the step opens a platform of the seventh step, which is humbly asking God to remove the flaws for our character.   During this step, the group members displayed humility as they testified they felt welcomed. However, the step displayed ones courage to change as it deepens one faith. During this step, I felt humbled as I recognized my limitations and felt committed to change from alcoholism to allow the sense of worthiness as an individual’s unique reflection of God’s image (Cheever, 2015). Therefore, humility ensured getting humble to get rid of alcohol-fuelled lavishness, arrogance, and delusional sense of being self-important than others. The program during step eight made us write down a list of people we had harmed and made us willingly to make amends to them. Mostly the list includes neighbors, family members, teachers, and friends. However, I felt reluctant to admit others were hurt but generally, the psychotherapist had us realize that drinking creates an adverse effect to others. After admitting, I willingly wanted to make amends to them, which is facing the consequences from drinking. It increased my capacity to love self and others from taking responsibilities. It progressed me from being a victim of consequences and blaming external caused but rather I being the origin. The step was preparatory towards taking action ion step nine, which is making direct amends to the offended except if the action n will cause them harm (Addenbrooke, 2017). The goal of the step is to confront the past by taking justice. As it obliges an individual to take action or paying tribute in kind to those harmed. Through the amendments , one receives well-recovering sincerity from friends and family hence being a motivating factor. The Step ten in the program involved continuing to take personal inventory and when wrong we admit it. The step is a reminder to keep a daily watch on personal interaction with others to ensure proper treatment of others. Moreover, the psychotherapy urged that act of admitting is said to be humility that prevents building false defenses to justify the wrongs done. Moreover, by admitting one avoids argument and fights, which reflects on alcohol such that if stress is the main reason that led alcoholism one needs to face the problem rather than consuming alcohol (Cheever, 2015). The step requires perseverance and discipline as just like any skill, regular practice is a necessity for it to become a habit. Therefore, the tenth step was about the daily vigilance of the ninth step in our daily as a way of life. However, step eleven is embracing the mystery. It was through prayers and meditating to improve the conscious contract with God as we understood him.   Hence, praying for knowledge of his will for us and the power to carry it out reminds us we need to be spiritual to recover from alcohol.   As prayers involve talking with the higher power and requesting for support and guidance to get through a daily life while meditating involves an individual to listen to his inner self and gain an intuitive understanding of Gods will (Addenbrooke, 2017). Hence, through meditating and prayers an alcoholic gains courage to maintain what he acquired from the previous lessons, making this step an important phase of the program. Lastly, the twelfth step is an awakening phase. Following a spiritual awakening from the previous periods as prayers and meditating, one was required to convey the message to other alcoholics and practice the principles in our daily affairs. However, this step is a gradual process and is elusive that cannot be easily defined. For instance, family members recognize that change is for the good and has already occurred in the recovery program where we less selfish and now nonalcoholic. Similarly, as an individual, I feel more happy, serene, and more comfortable on one’s character. The step is however based on the opinion we can keep what we have y giving it away creating the.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Learn 600 of the Most Important English Nouns

The 600 nouns in this list are part of Charles K. Ogdens compilation of 850 words, which he released in 1930 with the book Basic English: A General Introduction with Rules and Grammar. This list is an excellent starting point for building up vocabulary to converse fluently in English. While this list is helpful for a strong beginning, more advanced vocabulary building will help you improve your English.   400 General Nouns 1. account2. act4. adjustment5. advertisement6. agreement7. air8. amount9. amusement10. animal11. answer12. apparatus13. approval14. argument15. art16. attack17. attempt18. attention19. attraction20. authority21. back22. balance23. base24. behavior25. belief26. birth27. bit28. bite29. blood30. blow31. body32. brass33. bread34. breath35. brother36. building37. burn38. burst39. business40. butter41. canvas42. care43. cause44. chalk45. chance46. change47. cloth48. coal49. color50. comfort51. committee52. company53. comparison54. competition55. condition56. connection57. control58. cook59. copper60. copy61. cork62. copy63. cough64. country65. cover66. crack67. credit68. crime69. crush70. cry71. current72. curve73. damage74. danger75. daughter76. day77. death78. debt79. decision80. degree81. design82. desire83. destruction84. detail85. development86. digestion87. direction88. discovery89. discussion90. disease91. disgust92. distance93. distribution94. division95. doubt96. drink97. driving 98. dust99. earth100. edge 101. education102. effect103. end104. error105. event106. example107. exchange108. existence109. expansion110. experience111. expert112. fact113. fall114. family115. father116. fear117. feeling118. fiction119. field120. fight121. fire122. flame123. flight124. flower125. fold126. food127. force128. form129. friend130. front131. fruit132. glass133. gold134. government135. grain136. grass137. grip138. group139. growth140. guide141. harbor142. harmony143. hate144. hearing145. heat146. help147. history148. hole149. hope150. hour151. humor152. ice153. idea154. impulse155. increase156. industry157. ink158. insect159. instrument160. insurance161. interest162. invention163. iron164. jelly165. join166. journey167. judge168. jump169. kick170. kiss171. knowledge172. land173. language174. laugh175. low176. lead177. learning178. leather179. letter180. level181. lift182. light183. limit184. linen185. liquid186. list187. look188. loss189. love190. machine191. man192. manager193. mark194. market195. mass196. meal197. measure198. meat199. meeting200. memory 201. metal202. middle203. milk204. mind205. mine206. minute207. mist208. money209. month210. morning211. mother212. motion213. mountain214. move215. music216. name217. nation218. need219. news220. night221. noise222. note223. number224. observation225. offer226. oil227. operation228. opinion229. order230. organization231. ornament232. owner233. page234. pain235. paint236. paper237. part238. paste239. payment240. peace241. person242. place243. plant244. play245. pleasure246. point247. poison248. polish249. porter250. position251. powder252. power253. price254. print255. process256. produce257. profit258. property259. prose260. protest261. pull262. punishment263. purpose264. push265. quality266. question267. rain268. range269. rate270. ray271. reaction272. reading273. reason274. record275. regret276. relation277. religion278. representative279. request280. respect281. rest282. reward283. rhythm284. rice285. river286. road287. roll288. room289. rub290. rule291. run292. salt293. sand294. scale295. science296. sea297. seat298. secretary299. selection 300. self301. sense302. servant303. sex304. shade305. shake306. shame307. shock308. side309. sign310. silk311. silver312. sister313. size314. sky315. sleep316. slip317. slope318. smash319. smell320. smile321. smoke322. sneeze323. snow324. soap325. society326. son327. song328. sort329. sound330. soup331. space332. stage333. start334. statement335. steam336. steel337. step338. stitch339. stone340. stop341. story342. stretch343. structure344. substance345. sugar346. suggestion347. summer348. support349. surprise350. swim351. system352. talk353. taste354. tax355. teaching356. tendency357. test358. theory359. thing360. thought361. thunder362. time363. tin364. top365. touch366. trade367. transport368. trick369. trouble370. turn371. twist372. unit373. use374. value375. verse376. vessel377. view378. voice379. walk380. war381. wash382. waste383. water384. wave385. wax386. way387. weather388. week389. weight390. wind391. wine392. winter393. woman394. wood395. wool396. word397. work398. wound39 9. writing400. year 200 Specific Nouns 1. angle2. ant3. apple4. arch5. arm6. army7. baby8. bag9. ball10. band11. basin12. basket13. bath14. bed15. bee16. bell17. berry18. bird19. blade20. board21. boat22. bone23. book24. boot25. bottle26. box27. boy28. brain29. brake30. branch31. brick32. bridge33. brush34. bucket35. bulb36. button37. cake38. camera39. card40. carriage41. cart42. cat43. chain44. cheese45. chess46. chin47. church48. circle49. clock50. cloud51. coat52. collar53. comb54. cord55. cow56. cup57. curtain58. cushion59. dog60. door61. drain62. drawer63. dress64. drop65. ear66. egg67. engine68. eye69. face70. farm71. feather72. finger73. fish74. flag75. floor76. fly77. foot78. fork79. fowl80. frame81. garden82. girl83. glove84. goat85. gun86. hair87. hammer88. hand89. hat90. head91. heart92. hook93. horn94. horse95. hospital96. house97. island98. jewel99. kettle 100. key101. knee102. knife103. knot104. leaf105. leg106. library107. line108. lip109. lock110. map111. match112. monkey113. moon114. mouth115. muscle116. nail117. neck118. needle119. nerve120. net121. nose122. nut123. office124. orange125. oven126. parcel127. pen128. pencil129. picture130. pig131. pin132. pipe133. plane134. plate135. plough136. pocket137. pot138. potato139. prison140. pump141. rail142. rat143. receipt144. ring145. rod146. roof147. root148. sail149. school150. scissors151. screw152. seed153. sheep154. shelf155. ship156. shirt157. shoe158. skin159. skirt160. snake161. sock162. spade163. sponge164. spoon165. spring166. square167. stamp168. star169. station170. stem171. stick172. stocking173. stomach174. store175. street176. sun177. table178. tail179. thread180. throat181. thumb182. ticket183. toe184. tongue185. tooth186. town187. train188. tray189. tree190. trousers191. umbrella192. wall193. watch194. wheel195. whip196. whistle197. window198. wing199. wire200. worm

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Epidemic Of Infectious Diseases Essay - 1549 Words

For thousands of years, infectious diseases have had a strong influence over human populations by challenging the immune system to continuously adapt to new virulent strains. With the advantage of reproducing more rapidly than the human immune response, microorganisms that cause even minor infections can prove to be fatal (Parham, 2015). Over time, outbreaks such as ‘The Great Plague’ have threatened to bring an end to society. Without the ability to contain these diseases geographically and provide means of prevention, they run the risk of wiping out the human race completely. When considering economic costs, the vast numbers of individuals who fall ill due to an epidemic can increase healthcare costs as well as decrease labour markets. Indirect costs as a result of public actions, such as fleeing the area of outbreak, can contribute to economic damage (Barker Bacon, 2015); not to mentioned the increased likelihood of transferring the disease from one area to another. Two infectious diseases that are of continuous interest today, HIV/AIDS and Ebola, will be contrasted in terms of their outcomes and possible alternatives to tackling similar diseases in the future. Both an economic and social lens will be utilized in order to provide an analysis that covers all implications of the disease. Beginning in the early 20th century in Africa, a retrovirus known as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) presented itself; characterized by an attack on the hosts’ immune systemShow MoreRelatedInfectious Diseases And The Epidemic Essay1273 Words   |  6 PagesInfectious diseases according to the Mariam Webster Dictionary, is â€Å"a disease caused by the entrance into the body of organisms (as bacteria, protozoans, fungi, or viruses) which grow and multiply there†. Infectious diseases has been one of the biggest issues facing mankind since the beginning of time. Particularly due to the fact that we will never truly get rid of infectious diseases as a new one seems to appear every few years. From diseases such as the great plague, the H1N1 influenza and moreRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Infectious Disease911 Words   |  4 Pagespreventing infectious diseases from spreading throughout the human population. However, despite their attempts new and emerging viruses such as HIV/AIDS, Ebola and sudden acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) have continued to develop and cause a drastic impact on society worldwide . As the development of new diseases continues to emerge worldwide there has been an increase in concerns regarding the importance of acquiring new methods to detect and help prevent the spread of infectious diseases. With thisRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Infectious Disease1710 Words   |  7 PagesThe words â€Å"infectious disease† have been feared by humans from the time they were initially discovered and this fear continues to persist into the current status of the 21st century. This inherent fear stems from the ability of the tiny, pathogenic microorganisms responsible for these infectious diseases to wipe out thousands, or even millions from the human population. Though some may view infectious disease is an issue of the past, it still wreaks havoc in many of the worlds’ developing nationsRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Infectious Diseases987 Words   |  4 Pagesconnects to the other. That means it must links up together in order to be infectious diseases. However, the brea king away of any of the link will mean that, transmission of infection is stopped. On the other hand, breaking of any chain can stop the transmission of infection. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Integrity Essay Example For Students

Integrity Essay The state of being complete or undivided, purity. Integrity Essay is a powerful and uncommon trait according to todays standards. One may be defined and known by his or her integrity. A man is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has Henry Ward Beecher. In the real world today, certain levels of integrity are expected in different places. For example, where we find the influence of evil, we find a lack of integrity. Important issues include: what the Bible has to say about integrity, viewing integrity as a choice and integrity in current affairs. The Bible contains many teachings on the subject of integrity. Proverbs 11:1 says that The Bible also deals with the moral responsibility one has in the commercial world. Absolute integrity is a delight to the Lord. Integrity can be taught through almost any character in the Bible. A person of integrity would always tell the truth regardless of the situation. The second part of the definition deals with what to avoid. Integrity demands complete openness always. The leader of integrity would never try to knowingly deceive his constituents at any time. The leader would always be open and honest. Theories of Integrity There are many different theories of integrity, but this draft will only discuss two. The first, Integrity of Self Interests, will deal with integrity as it pertains to a leaders best course of action for himself. The second, Integrity of Utility, will deal with integrity as it pertains to the best course for the population. Integrity of Self Interests Is it better to lie or tell the truth. Trying to analyze this question using the theory of self-interests would depend upon which choice would give the best results for the leader. This is the underlying theme for the theory of self interests. There are two basic formulas that can be used when trying to determine what is moral, and they are: 1. We should choose the action(s) that we feel, with good reason, will benefit us more than any other choice 2.We should choose the action(s) that are in our best interests, or that we prefer for the best perceived outcome These two formulas can be implemented when making any decision. If you feel something will benefit you, or that you prefer one choice over another, then that choice is a choice of integrity of self interest. To illustrate this better, let us go back to the earlier example of when to lie. By applying either of these two formulas, lying can be considered moral. If lying were either in our best interests or one perceives it to result in the best outcome, than it is moral to lie. However if your decision was to fulfill neither of these two formulas, then it would not be moral, and one should make another choice. Integrity of Utility First, it is important to define the idea of utility. Utility, defined in its simplest form, is doing what will produce the greatest good for the greatest number of the leaders constituents. Therefore, under this theory of integrity, the leader must consider what is best for his community. This means disregarding his own personal interests. To go back to the example of whether to lie, it would be important to predict the result before making the decision. If lying was a better choice for more people, then it would be moral to lie, or the opposite is also true. It is very hard to determine the greatest good, but there are some concepts to look at when making a decision. They are: 1.A leader should choose the action(s) that would perform more total good than any other act would have produced 2.Consider the gross good versus the net good. Which action(s) will produce the greatest good minus the bad consequences 3. Fidal Castro EssayChoose the action that is the ;lesser of two evils,; which means it will produce less bad consequences 4.Consider all the consequences, and the action(s) that produces the greatest short and long term good is the preferred action(s) When making a decision under this theory, it is only necessary to consider one or two of these concepts. No choice will ever satisfy all the concepts, but it is a leaders job to know how to make the decision, while upholding the integrity of a leader. Analysis Now to consider the two questions posed at the beginning of this draft. 1.Is integrity relevant in leadership? 2. the idea of a Good versus Effective Leader Relevance of Integrity Integrity is relevant in leadership. When society looks at whom they want .